On the Road with My Consort

Greetings dear Friend,

I hope you are enjoying your life wherever you are, whatever you’re doing. For the past two months my consort Carter and I have been travelling, the beginning of what we’ve planned to be a year-long “vision quest.”

Big Strong Angel, mixed media, 17“x22”x5“

LordFlea is on a Vision Quest with her consort“

Most of you know that a vision quest is what is usually thought of as an Indigenous Person’s personal search, or journey, and involves putting oneself in situations that naturally arise when out of one’s ordinary day-to-day routine. Usually searching for “keys” or “clues” or even an animal “totem” as a guide is involved in a vision quest, but not always.

We are car-camping mostly, first in North America and then, after Christmas, we’ll be backpacking in South America. We do take a modest room when the weather gets impossible (too wet to set up, too cold for us Floridians!). Our tent is as big as the Taj Mahal and we are so comfortable with our fold-out double cot with blow-up (by lungs) mattresses on top, with sleeping bags and pillows galore. We cook all our meals on a two-burner camp stove, and I’m telling you, we are eating deluxe, super Deluxe!

I hope you’ll want to listen to the podcast I’ve created because it’s harder (sporadic internet) for me to make posts here on LordFlea. Here’s the Link: ZLORDpodcast (it’s on LibSyn: Liberated Syndicate) and you can also find it on iTunes, Spotify, iHeartRadio and most of the other podcast centers.


We’re having so much fun, please join us!


Carter and I are on a moment-by-moment discovery, or rather, RE-discovery of what’s most important in our lives. Both our kids are happily settled. Carter’s and my so-called “careers” are at a place where we can focus on more important things: our inner lives. We each have our special interests, so we share what we both love and talk about a wide range of subjects on ZLORD.  Everything from the economics behind each part of the world we travel (Carter’s pov) and how a place affects our sensibilities (both of us) to how Oneness is everywhere, in everything (my fervent belief and life experience), I think you’ll have a lot of fun listening to our journey. We share honestly, No BS. As one commenter noted, “there’s no high-and-mighty with ZLORD as they hit on pretty profound subjects.” (Thanks, HP!) We do yoga and meditation and Om-ing everywhere we can! We see the Divine in everything we notice, especially within ourselves. What a blessing to have these precious days, weeks, months, of focusing on our inner selves. Blessings to you, too! Please remember to love your Self first, then everything falls into place.

Meanwhile, I’ll post here whenever I can. Do drop me a line if you want to. I’m always happy to hear from you.

With All Love,

teZa aka LordFlea

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